Our Alumni are our best source of feedback for continuous improvement

They are the next Caribbean by Design, hear their voices

Quick stat :
90% of our attendees are Women!
"I will use the results of this program to create a more elaborate business plan in search of investors"
Elora, founder of a PanCaribbean media

Saran Diakité Kaba

🐚 How do you feel with your project? Why?

"I feel much better equipped with my project compared to the concept you demonstrated and the exercises proposed. However, I still have the impression that to create this media, I will need a team as there are many skills to deploy. I will use the results of this program to create a more elaborate business plan in search of investors to multiply resources (skills) and maximize the impact that a potential pan-Caribbean media could have."

🐚 What are the 3 main things you learnt since the starting of your cohort?

"The most important to me were the User Research methods, the Personas creation, and Ideation (brainstorming)!"

🐚 On a scale from 1 to 5, how much would you recommend a Whistle coaching to a friend ? Why ?

"5 !!!!!!!!! Professionalism and experience ! You've done a very good job guys. Congrats."

"Breaking down a project
idea is important"

Rhachell, founder of an Afro-diasporic
tutoriship program

Saran Diakité Kaba

🐚 How do you feel with your project? Why?

"I feel ok with my project. I have been working on it for years now, so I am quite mellow about things concerning it."

🐚 What are the 3 main things you learnt since the starting of your cohort?

"I've learnt creating user journeys, communicating what it is that I want to do for different audiences, prototyping (with intention)"

🐚 On a scale from 1 to 5, how much would you recommend a Whistle coaching to a friend ? Why ?

"5! Breaking down a project idea is important!"

"The huge interest of the design thinking process applied as a group has forced me to confront my ideas to their points
of views... "

Debbie, founder of a program dedicated to support health education for the you
🐚 How do you feel with your project? Why?

"The project makes me feel AWESOME because I really feel alive and aligned with my purpose and the massive fast paced action that I have to implement to make it happen keeps me focused and engaged. I love the feeling."

🐚 What are the 3 main things you learnt since the starting of your cohort?

"The 3 main things I learnt from my cohort is the importance of using the caribbean network dynamic :

A) getting in touch with other caribbean women made me realise how deeply I feel I belong to that regional community by culture as much as by ideological choice; it made it clear we have a shared perspectives and definitions of what is a good life, the growth path humanity should engage in to build a more just and peaceful world...

B) the huge interest of the design thinking process applied as a group has forced me to confront my ideas to their points of views which was a really a rich experience that brought a lot of clarity and pragmatism and even more fresh and accurate ideas that contributed to my project more than positively

C) eventually I learnt that no matter how different our projects looked, they are similar in essence and can be pushed forward with the same core process of answering key questions and being exposed to key challenges that help define them and communicate about them clearly."

🐚 On a scale from 1 to 5, how much would you recommend a Whistle coaching to a friend ? Why ?

"5, because I believe it's it's a valuable and innovative experience that fosters a deep sense of carribeanity as well as the emergence of a caribbean leadership dynamic. Personally, I was particularly impressed with the swift and accurate capacity of the coaches to identify my needs and bring my attention to the right idea that I had not at all envisioned before and propose creative and simple solutions to unlock whatever blockage I was facing...!"

We loved the time spent with them and many others, thank you Whistlers!


"The methodology provides with great foundations to make progress and the masterclasses were just amazing"


"I am used to this type of training, and this one is of a high level, I have absolutely nothing to say about the content, the form or the teaching methods"

Manola & Joël

"It was one of the most satisfying work session we've had since the creation of our project! It was deep, rigorous and concrete. We are very motivated to move on!"

Debbie Estwick

Business Development Officer & Designer @Export Barbados


"You've asked me questions nobody dared to ask me! It opened new perspectives and I feel so motivated right now!"


"Our coaching sessions were really handy to help me to take the best decisions to go back to my homeland"

... And many others!

Thierry Ambraisse

SVP, Creative — Executive Creative Director,
Previously @Nike, @Twitter, @Chime, @AKQA, @Firstborn

Malcom Ferdinand

CNRS researcher,
Environment engineer & philosopher

Matthew Cowen

Founder @dgtlfutures,
Digital Research Analyst focusing on the Caribbean